Competition Rules
- Recreational: All climbs between 4 - 6B+
- Competitors in this division may only climb routes at grade 6B+ or below to be counted toward total tally
- Competitors in REC division may climb total of 2 routes up to grade 6C+ for additional points.
- Open: Any climb
- Competitors in this division may climb any route for points from grade 4 - 8B
- General Division Rule
- No spectator or any third party assistance including carrying gear, fetching food and water, scorekeeping or belaying. All adult teams must be completely self-sustained.
- Only registered partner can belay each other. Help from other participants or spectators is not allowed.
- Youth competitors (16 and under) must be accompanied by guardian or parents. May receive basic assistance from guardians including
- Gear carry
- Food and water
- Belay assistance
- Score keeping
- Youth competitors can compete in either recreational or open division
- Partnering
- Partners do not have to register in the same division; an unbalanced team is allowed. All score keeping is done individually.
- Climber must be tied in with shoes on to be in line for a climb.
- You may climb each route up to two times for points (either partial or full).
- Rope cannot be left on by a different party for another party to top rope.
- Each party must have their own set of draws and a minimum of 1 rope
- Quickdraws must be sufficient for the climb as skipping a bolt is not allowed and will result in a yellow card penalty.
- Competitors must have all necessary safety gear for climbing including proper climbing harness, fall rated climbing rope, standard rated quickdraws, personal anchors, reputable belay device such as tube style ATC and assisted braking device such as Petzl’s Grigri (only PBUS belay technique is allowed)
Manner & Etiquettes
- BE SAFE FIRST and then have fun second.
- Be nice, friendly and respectful to other competitors.
- Sharing food and drinks are allowed only between participants. Spectators cannot share food or offer any assistance to adult participants.
- Sharing gear e.g. rope and draws between teams is allowed.
- Excessive shouting, screaming and coaching is disruptive to other climbers; please consider keeping your voice level to a reasonable level
- There’s no limit to number of takes and falls to earn partial point, but please be considerate of others waiting for the climb. Typically, after 3-4 takes and falls, you should quit the climb for the next party in line to attempt.
Logistics & Scoring
- Scoring
- Scores are counted fully or partially. To earn full point, climber must successfully lead the route from ground to the top in one push without taking, hanging or falling on the rope. In case of falls and rests on the rope, climber can still earn a partial point for that climb if he or she continues to the top in one go without returning to the ground.
- If climber retreat to the ground, he or she must pull the rope and re-climb the route entirely to earn partial or full point. Yo-yo climbing is not allowed.
- Scoring is based on honor system. Climber write down their own scores with signature from partner; no need for validation from other participants.
- For routes with extension, climbers take the score of the higher top pitch. Example, verdon paradise 6B+/7A, if climb as a single push to the top anchors, climber will get points for grade 7A.
- Logistics
- Climbers can pre-clip quickdraws to the first bolt of the climb for safety but it is not required. This can be done by either pulling rope strategy or stick clipping with a pole and other tool.
- Stick clipping process cannot take more than 2 minutes otherwise waiting party can take over.
- Once stick-clipped, climber must climb the route within 60 seconds or a waiting party has the right to take over.
- You may climb each route up to two times for points (either partial or full).
Safety Rules
- Practice general safety standard in climbing
- Reckless run out with potential for ground fall or any other unnecessary risk is not tolerated can participant will be disqualified immediately. Judgement by staff member is final.
- Skipping bolt is not allowed.
- Belayer must maintain a braking hand at all time while belaying a climber. Letting go of the brake hand is considered unsafe.
- Belayer cannot stand more than 4m from the wall under any circumstance including while taking the leader.
- Free Soloing is strictly prohibited. Free soloist will be immediately banished from the festival ground, no refund.
- Clipping two points at anchors to lower is required
- No rappelling is allowed during the entirety of the festival. All climbers must be lowered off by belayer.
- No top belaying is allowed and no route can be climbed in multi-pitch style
- 2 strikes rule; on second strike, participants will be disqualified.
- A judge has the rights to disqualify any climber demonstrating reckless and unsafe behavior to themselves and others
- No harassment of other participants. Verbal, emotional or physical harassment or abusive behavior is not tolerated.
- BELAY SAFETY: only PBUS technique for belaying is allowed using standard tube style device or an assisted braking device. Figure 8 is not considered a safe belay device at this competition.
Substance Consumption At The Wall
- Alcohol can only be consumed around the camp and restaurant area and is not allowed to competition participants until after competition is complete for that day. Consumption of alcohol will discontinue your participation on that day.
- Marijuana and any other illegal substances are strictly not allowed during the entirety of the festival. Participants will be immediately disqualified and asked to leave event.
Red Tapes
- Multi-pitch climb is strictly forbidden during the entirety of the festival (no rappelling and dropping rope on climbers below).
- No drug use of any kind is allowed at all time on festival ground including within your private tent, car and restrooms.
- No public display of inappropriate sexual behaviors.
- Alcohol consumption is only allowed at the restaurant area after competition period.
- No inappropriate costumes and attire; this is a community and family friendly event.
- No vandalism of natural formation, route, and campground facilities
- No excessively loud noise and music after quiet hour at night time
- Practice LEAVE NO TRACE, bring all trash back to campground to be properly disposed.
- Yellow Card = first warning (2 yellow cards = red card)
- Red Card = disqualified and banned from festival